Great Beginnings Training Series

Free Early Education 101 Courses for Providers

Great Beginnings Training Series

Do you have new teachers in your program that want to learn the early education basics? Or experienced teachers who want a refresher? We are bringing you five different trainings and follow up coaching free of charge. Learn more

Training Registration

Circle Time Tuesday, August 1 (rescheduled)

More Information about Great Beginnings

Why are we offering this? We asked the Linscomb Foundation for funding to offer you training and coaching to help elevate the knowledge of your most inexperienced staff, but also to serve as a refresher for your experienced staff. They said yes!

What is it?

  • Training: Five virtual trainings will be provided to your teachers that register. Topics include: room arrangement and materials, daily schedule, connections with families and children, outside time, and circle time. All trainings are two hours and approved for state clock hours.
  • Coaching: On-site coaching will be available after each training to you and your teachers to implement learning from the training.


  • Training will occur once a month from March-July. The first training will be on March 16, 2023 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on zoom. Sign up now!
  • Coaching will occur once a month, following each training. The coach will provide you available times.

What else?

  • Send as many teachers as you want, but make sure to register them so it counts for clock hours. We limited spots on a first come first serve basis. If you no longer want to participate, please let us know so that we can let programs on the waiting list take your spot in this project.

If you have any questions about:

  • the training contact Mary Chris Hayward at
  • the coaching contact Jeannie Evans at
  • general project questions contact Jenny Brandt at