How Positive Affirmations Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety

February Mental Health Tip

How Positive Affirmations Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety

We all experience negative thoughts from time to time — those self-critical phrases that seem to pop up out of nowhere, such as “no one loves me” or “life is meaningless. Being able to understand these complex thoughts, how they affect our emotions and behavior can aid in us understanding our inner critic. Everyone has an inner critic, and it is often easier for us to gravitate towards the negative thoughts rather than the positive ones. 

In these moments where the negative overpowers the positive, it can be helpful to have some type of mantra or affirmations to counteract those negative thoughts and feelings. Speaking positively to yourself on a daily basis can help prevent the negativity, especially when you notice you are being self critical. 

The mantras or affirmations will vary from person to person. We all know ourselves best and know what words or phrases we can use on a regular basis to combat the negative self talk and thoughts.  To inspire affirmations and mantras, below are a few that TFC often uses with our clients. 

  • I am unlearning generations of harm and remembering love. 
  • I have patterns to unlearn, new behaviors to embody, and wounds to heal. 
  • There is nothing wrong with me.
  • I deserve to give myself grace. 
  • I am unapologetic for what I desire and trust that what I focus on will grow. 

Positive affirmations can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety. By intentionally replacing negative thoughts with uplifting, empowering statements, we can begin to rewire our brains for a more optimistic outlook. This shift not only helps in managing stress but also builds self-worth, challenges self-doubt, and fosters resilience in difficult moments. Over time, practicing affirmations can create a mindset that leans toward self-compassion and confidence, making it easier to navigate life’s challenges with a greater sense of calm and control.


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