2021 Annual Report

The Family Conservancy Annual Report

What The Family Conservancy creates opportunities for children, families, caregivers, and educators to thrive.
Letter from CEO Paula Neth
Why Every child can reach their full potential when we invest in them and those who care for them.
We don’t think it will work, we KNOW it will.

The amount of information an individual is able to process and retain is greatest during the first five years of life, when 90 percent of brain growth occurs.

Promote social emotional skills. Build resilience.

The single most common factor for children who develop resilience is at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive parent, caregiver, or other adult.

Impact Update


Building Brains

Children transition to kindergarten ready for success.

Highlights in this area include:

  • 764 children increased their protective factors.
  • 31 program leaders increase their knowledge of effective practices that support quality early education programs.

Empowering Families

Parents experience increased well-being, and advocate for their children.

Highlights in this area include:

  • 691 parents increased their knowledge of developmental milestones and community resources.
  • 482 child care programs improved family engagement.

Strengthening Resilience

Individuals and families develop social-emotional skills and healthy relationships, learn coping skills and heal from trauma

Highlights in this area include:

  • 44 outpatient mental health clients reduced their depressive symptoms.
  • 55 mothers experienced a reduction in depression symptoms.
Success Stories


Building Brains

Read Kevin’s Story

Empowering Families

Read Claire’s Story

Strengthening Resilience

Read Toni’s Story

2021 Highlights


The State of Child Care
Dr. Lee Howell Recognized
Funding will Address Maternal Depression
TFC Launches ECE Job Board
Excellence in Early Care and Education Award