Kansas City Metro Child Care Dashboard

Child Care Rates and Supply in the Kansas City Metro Area

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Child Care Rates and Supply in the Kansas City Metro Area

The Kansas City Metro Early Child Care Dashboard is a tool to inform advocates and decision makers so we can build the child care system our community needs. One that allows working parents and businesses can thrive and enables all children to access the transformative impact of high-quality early care and education.

Currently, the Kansas City Metro is experiencing a child care crisis. There is not nearly enough supply to meet the current demand, further, as pandemic relief funding begins to expire further supply is at risk and rates are likely to rise.

For decades, we’ve known that the first five years of life are the most critical period of human development. Yet, despite overwhelming evidence, as a country and a community, we’re still making meager investments in this transformative work and paying the individuals tasked with it unacceptable wages. 

Kansas City Metro Child Care Rates

Average Annual Child Care Center Tuition for an Infant and Preschooler

Child Care Rate Trends

Rate Change from Previous Quarter

Why does child care cost so much?

Child care costs can be high due to a combination of factors. These include the need for highly trained and qualified staff, staff-to-child ratios that ensure safety and individual attention, the labor intensive nature of the work, overhead costs, food and supplies, and many other factors.

Unfortunately, even at the current market rates, most programs are significantly under funded. These small businesses survive by keeping costs low, and are rarely able to pay competitive wages or offer benefits. You can learn more about the cost of providing care here. 

Kansas City Metro Child Care Supply

Kansas City Metro Child Care Slots By County

Child Care Supply Trends

Supply Change from Previous Quarter

Why is it so difficult to find child care?

Child care is hard to find because parent tuition rarely provides adequate funding for programs. Child care businesses are unable to provide compensation and benefits that can attract and retain the necessary workforce.

Average hourly wage for a child care worker in the Kansas City Metro is $13.55. The livable wage for an adult with one child is $33.96. 

Kansas City Metro Child Care Assistance

Child Care Assistance Utilization in the Kansas City, Missouri Metro

If child care is unaffordable for so many, why are so few receiving support?

The Child Care and Development Block Grant awards states funding to provide working families with low incomes assistance paying for child care. This represents more than 90% of the funding for child care subsidies in Kansas and Missouri.

Child care subsidies provide access to quality care, and allow families to choose the type of care that works best for them. However, due to insufficient funding less than 10% of eligible children in Kansas and Missouri are served.

Help end the Child Care Crisis and Leverage the Transformative Power of Early Education

Together, we can create a child care system that works for all families.

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